
Black Squirrel Vineyard has been certified organic since 2002. Being certified means that the land and operations have been inspected and comply with the NOP (National Organic Practices) rules and regulations. Our produce can carry the Organic label because we follow an ethical and moral obligation as a grower to grow a nutritional food that has not been treated with synthetic irradiation or genetically engineered materials.

Here are a few facts about organic farming:

Modern techniques have been derived from England’s Sir Albert Howard’s research in India, where he observed poor farmers there who managed the land to its fullest. From the late 1800’s through the 1900’s, he concluded that mismanagement of soil was a major cause of European animal disease, soil erosion and depleted nutrients in the soil. He published many books and didn’t mind going against the normal idea of chemical fertilizers for agricultural use.

Around the same time several other botanists were working to prove the effects of organic gardening in comparison to contemporary practices. J.I. Rodale worked in America as a publisher, popularizing organic methods, while back in England, Lady Eve Balfour conducted a 40 year experiment of side-by-side organic farm with a traditional farm. Her findings showed that the organic farm in general was much healthier with respect to insect damage and livestock vitality. Detailed results can be found here.